福麦斯纺织有限公司,座落在*的丝绸之都苏州盛泽,紧靠上海,苏州,杭州。 公司致力于服装面料领域的发展,**从事各种梭织服装面料的开发与销售。以品种全、产品新、后整理**为特色。产品涵盖化纤面料、交织面料,数百个品种,面料后整理类型多样,尤以功能涂层,特种整理见长。 公司本着质量**,诚信为本,客户至上的理念,树立了良好的市场信誉和自身的**形象。随着纺织行业的新技术的发展和运用,我们将不断开拓**,满足客户的需要。 我们热忱欢迎您的光临,期待同您的合作,共同发展!Fumaisi Textile Co.,LTD is located at the Silk City Shengze town Suzhou which adjoins Shanghai and Hangzhou so that the traffic is very convenient. Our company is interested in the field of fabric and in mayor of the improvement and selling all kinds of fabric . The products involve in hundreds of chemical fabric coating fabric. Our company is..